JBoss.org Community Documentation

Part IV. The Deployment Framework

Table of Contents

19. Introduction
20. The Virtual File System
21. Identifying the deployment structure
21.1. Deployment Descriptors
21.2. Java Archives (JARs)
21.3. Nested deployments
21.4. Declaring a custom deployment structure
21.5. Determining the deployment structure programmatically
22. Creating Deployment Contexts
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Accessing a deployment
22.3. Attaching extra information
22.4. Deployment components
22.5. Deployment dependencies
23. Processing a deployment
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Deployment stages
23.3. Deployment actions
23.4. Ordering (Inputs and outputs)
23.5. Deploying components
24. Putting it all together
24.1. Introduction
24.2. Defining the deployment framework
24.3. Defining deployment structures
24.4. Defining deployment actions