Release Notes - JBoss ESB - Version 4.3 ** Bug * [JBESB-1004] - Quickstarts that don't require JMS dest deployment should warn if user tries "ant deploy-jms-dests" * [JBESB-1273] - Incorporate PropertyReplacer into SmooksService/JuddRMIService * [JBESB-1299] - QS custom_action fails when sending ESB message * [JBESB-1309] - Change localhost references to ${jboss.bind.address} * [JBESB-1314] - helloworld quickstart - sendesb ant target fails * [JBESB-1320] - *.sh scripts in jboss-esb-server/bin should have execute bit set * [JBESB-1322] - load_generator QS depends on ${org.jboss.esb.server.home}/server/${org.jboss.esb.server.config} * [JBESB-1332] - Gateways ignore maxThreads setting * [JBESB-1334] - responseXStreamConfig issue * [JBESB-1335] - Building quickstarts from source uses current ESB jars instead of target when executing * [JBESB-1341] - ESB Build script does not deploy all the consoles into the EAP * [JBESB-1344] - Not all gateways are using ServiceInvoker * [JBESB-1353] - Typo in quickstarts' base-build.xml * [JBESB-1358] - ESB does not include security principals when accessing secured JMX domain * [JBESB-1359] - Wrong deployment order of nested archives * [JBESB-1374] - Exception handling problem when used integrated jBPM/ESB with JTA * [JBESB-1395] - Fix EPR extension processing and bridge with logical EPRs * [JBESB-1414] - Valid JMSMessageID not parsed correctly * [JBESB-1424] - transform_CSV2XML quickstart does not handle multiple rows in input * [JBESB-1437] - multiple copies of contract.war exist in deployment * [JBESB-1449] - SOAPClient cannot handle more than 1 thread in ESB listener * [JBESB-1458] - OneWay services should not generate fault messages if no FaultTo is defined * [JBESB-1461] - SOAPClient throwing back a missleading exception when the MessagePayloadProxy fails to find the payload * [JBESB-1477] - SOAPClient does not cleanup resources on undeploy * [JBESB-1491] - JMSRouter finalize can throw javax.jms.IllegalStateException: The object is closed * [JBESB-1500] - Aggregator messageMap and aggregatedMessageMap races * [JBESB-1550] - NullPointerException in NamingContextPool * [JBESB-1561] - Groovy security compromised * [JBESB-1569] - Unsafe tag access in JMSEpr * [JBESB-1570] - bpm_orchestration deployProcess targets use wrong dependency * [JBESB-1573] - boot.log is truncated upon ESB Server startup * [JBESB-1583] - JMSCourier does not look up Topic from JNDI, instead it tries to create it. * [JBESB-1594] - Memory leak in JAXRRegistryImpl * [JBESB-1605] - Management console Hibernate mapping mismatch * [JBESB-1617] - PortReferenceHelper serialises the wrong namespace/prefix for extension attributes * [JBESB-1618] - JMS/TX integration only works in very restricted circumstances * [JBESB-1623] - generates SQL with syntax error for NotifySqlTable * [JBESB-1631] - Quartz scheduling threads killed by exceptions * [JBESB-1633] - MBeanServerLocator.locate always returns the first item in the map instead of a lookup * [JBESB-1635] - The JbpmService MBean is missing a dependency * [JBESB-1636] - MBean dependencies specify the datasource but not the initialiser * [JBESB-1656] - Xpath namespace support * [JBESB-1664] - Add an expected output portion to jms_transacted QS * [JBESB-1668] - JdbcCleanConn leaks connections in a transaction context * [JBESB-1669] - helloworld_tx_sql_action QS has a missing dependency on the database initialiser MBean * [JBESB-1670] - helloworld_tx_sql_action QS only works for first run of the test * [JBESB-1694] - ESB is incorrectly reporting empty value for org.jboss.soa.esb.mail.smtp.auth * [JBESB-1698] - SOA-P/ESB with IBM MQ 6 = javax.naming.NotContextException * [JBESB-1702] - JBM 1.4.0.SP3 (+JBM 2.2.2.SP4_brew) causes race condition in tests on 4.2.2.GA based ESB Server * [JBESB-1712] - Database already closed - jbpm persistence error on shutdown * [JBESB-1713] - SoapUIClientService not handling collections of basic types properly - Strings, Integers, primitives etc * [JBESB-1718] - Trailblazer does not deploy because of missing jar file * [JBESB-1726] - SoapUIClient inserting cloned nodes in the wrong location * [JBESB-1741] - ServiceInvoker should check for InVM Service Endpoint before delegating to Load Balancing Strategy * [JBESB-1749] - JMSCourier should protect against clean session in jmsConnectRetry * [JBESB-1750] - Input data file for transform_CSV2XML quickstart generates a warning * [JBESB-1751] - StandAloneBootStrapper doesn't initialise the Registry instance in the RegistryFactory * [JBESB-1759] - wsaddressing QS throwing NullPointerException * [JBESB-1760] - Error in jms_router queue deploy * [JBESB-1761] - smooks_file_splitter errors * [JBESB-1762] - helloworld_tx_sql_action QS won't alongside with helloworld_sql_action QS ** Feature Request * [JBESB-1143] - NotifySocket needed * [JBESB-1185] - XStreamToObject. Add support for Atribute aliases and enum types * [JBESB-1240] - ObjectToXStream, add support for namespaces. * [JBESB-1297] - Mark EPRs in registry as ESB-aware (or not) * [JBESB-1325] - Autoconfigure jndi-URL in jms-provider when it is not specified * [JBESB-1328] - Add system property support in ESB deployment.xml files * [JBESB-1350] - Action for invoking SLSB methods * [JBESB-1364] - Allow embedded quickstart deployments to reference any target server * [JBESB-1376] - Message copy capability * [JBESB-1388] - Add a retry-count for rolledback/failed SQLCourier messages * [JBESB-1391] - NTLMConfigurator * [JBESB-1404] - Support for JMS authentication * [JBESB-1411] - Smooks DOMVisitor that sends the Element object to an ESB Service * [JBESB-1412] - Ability to send message payload as an attachment * [JBESB-1480] - junit haltonerror * [JBESB-1563] - Extend jms-jca-provider to support activation-config properties * [JBESB-1574] - Add freemarker support to soapui-client smook transoformation * [JBESB-1627] - Support authentication on outgoing JMS (i.e. JMSRouter) * [JBESB-1657] - Stateful Rules Services * [JBESB-1659] - Integration with BRMS ** Patch * [JBESB-1604] - JBESB-1476 applies also to other databases ** Task * [JBESB-768] - Quickstart that demos JMS custom_correlation * [JBESB-782] - Some of the unit tests are misnamed * [JBESB-1072] - JCA code uses org.jboss.logging.Logger whereas everything else uses org.apache.log4j.Logger * [JBESB-1076] - Unify composer approach for gateways * [JBESB-1124] - Incorporate Notifier quickstart * [JBESB-1209] - Update messagestore quickstart * [JBESB-1355] - Extend quickstart embedded notion to include running in production deployments * [JBESB-1370] - Modify JMS pooling to remove 1 second pause * [JBESB-1375] - Revisit ResponseHeader location * [JBESB-1403] - Trim down set of xsd files installed into the standalone server * [JBESB-1451] - ant stop-server does not work with Ant 1.7 * [JBESB-1525] - Create a quickstart that demonstrates handling huge files (via ftp) * [JBESB-1538] - Add Topic support to JMSRouter * [JBESB-1555] - Investigate ServiceInvoker/policy behaviour * [JBESB-1556] - Provide an option for synchronous invocations of ServiceInvoker to throw an exception rather than retry. * [JBESB-1559] - DefaultESBPropertiesSetter should not set the ESBMessageID * [JBESB-1567] - Update helloworld_ftp_action to use a cron schedule. * [JBESB-1577] - Merge all CP1 change over to trunk * [JBESB-1578] - Update jms_transacted quickstart to demo activation-config properties and transation rollback * [JBESB-1589] - Unify Notifier property substitution with ObjectMapper * [JBESB-1595] - Remove JNDI default configuration from quickstart jboss-esb.xml files * [JBESB-1596] - Update the version of JBossWS to v 2.0.3.GA * [JBESB-1610] - Update AS support to 4.2.2GA * [JBESB-1611] - Update the version of h2 * [JBESB-1612] - SFTP does not use passive mode option * [JBESB-1640] - Make sure agreed 4.3 tasks from F2F are recorded in JIRA * [JBESB-1643] - Create an example of MarshalUnmarshal * [JBESB-1665] - Reintroduce transactional behaviour into the MessageAwareListener * [JBESB-1671] - Merge all CP2 changes over to trunk * [JBESB-1679] - Make it clear that the Header fields are immutable once transmitted * [JBESB-1693] - Merge FP branch into trunk * [JBESB-1706] - Review documentation * [JBESB-1707] - Update revision to 4.3 * [JBESB-1708] - Update documentation PDFs * [JBESB-1709] - Update release notes * [JBESB-1724] - Move DataFilerScheduler MBean control out of the servlet and make it a standard MBean * [JBESB-1731] - Update wiki PDFs * [JBESB-1753] - Update install/readme.txt * [JBESB-1756] - Update bpm_orchestration3 to remove the process signalling * [JBESB-1757] - Check quickstarts Release Notes - JBoss ESB - Version 4.2.1 TP-FP2 ** Feature Request * [JBESB-1257] - Integration of SOA Software Registry ** Task * [JBESB-354] - Addition of a helloworld_sftp_action in the quickstarts * [JBESB-511] - Add integration test for default SFTP EPR. Release Notes - JBoss ESB - Version 4.2.1 CP2 ** Bug * [JBESB-1164] - Crash creates multiple EPRs for same service in JUDDI * [JBESB-1170] - Unregister an EPR during bootstrapper shutdown does not work * [JBESB-1243] - Sending a reply from the ActionProcessng pipeline... * [JBESB-1329] - Collections (unbounded xs:elements) can't be first element in xs:sequence * [JBESB-1344] - Not all gateways are using ServiceInvoker * [JBESB-1415] - Scheduler does not work after many redeployments * [JBESB-1417] - bpm_orchestration1 needs to be updated * [JBESB-1548] - revision 18484 - helloworld_hibernate_action - Hibernate Interceptor events onSave, OnLoad return different subset of message - onDelete seems OK * [JBESB-1549] - quickstarts - issues running load_generator in soa-p * [JBESB-1550] - NullPointerException in NamingContextPool * [JBESB-1551] - error in helloworld_hibernate_action QS * [JBESB-1552] - Misspelling "timeoutInMillies" in org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.Aggregator * [JBESB-1554] - JMSCourier incorrectly looks for topic * [JBESB-1560] - GroovyActionProcessor implementation is grossly inefficient * [JBESB-1561] - Groovy security compromised * [JBESB-1564] - Couriers should differentiate transport exceptions from other sources of exception * [JBESB-1565] - GroovyActionProcessor doesn't allow script mods without a redeploy * [JBESB-1568] - FileGateways are not safe when used with more than one thread * [JBESB-1569] - Unsafe tag access in JMSEpr * [JBESB-1570] - bpm_orchestration deployProcess targets use wrong dependency * [JBESB-1579] - JBESB-Internal/DeadLetterService PersistAction transaction isolation level * [JBESB-1582] - Scheduler jobs are not stateful, causing multiple instances of the same job to be fired in parallel * [JBESB-1583] - JMSCourier does not look up Topic from JNDI, instead it tries to create it. * [JBESB-1587] - Management console compile error within SOA-P distribution * [JBESB-1590] - Review File lifecycle management in the FileGateway * [JBESB-1593] - Tidy up qa classpaths * [JBESB-1594] - Memory leak in JAXRRegistryImpl * [JBESB-1599] - Investigate inconsistent EPR * [JBESB-1607] - JMSNotifier sends different content type depending on Message type * [JBESB-1613] - helloworld_tx_sql_action missing table in create script * [JBESB-1614] - helloworld_tx_sql_action config doesn't match table def * [JBESB-1615] - helloworld_tx_sql_action throwing a NullPointerException * [JBESB-1616] - FTPNotify problems with passive mode * [JBESB-1617] - PortReferenceHelper serialises the wrong namespace/prefix for extension attributes * [JBESB-1618] - JMS/TX integration only works in very restricted circumstances * [JBESB-1620] - SOAPClient "Option #2" not handling arrays properly * [JBESB-1626] - SQLCourier is caching Datasource Connection in non-transactional mode * [JBESB-1630] - Removing JNDI references from jboss-esb.xml * [JBESB-1631] - Quartz scheduling threads killed by exceptions * [JBESB-1648] - helloworld_tx_sql_action quickstart - transaction processing error * [JBESB-1649] - helloworld_tx_sql_action quickstart - intermittent timing error - quickstart sometimes fails to start - infinite loop * [JBESB-1668] - JdbcCleanConn leaks connections in a transaction context * [JBESB-1669] - helloworld_tx_sql_action QS has a missing dependency on the database initialiser MBean * [JBESB-1670] - helloworld_tx_sql_action QS only works for first run of the test ** Feature Request * [JBESB-454] - Allow no inputSuffix on the FileGateway * [JBESB-1333] - Prevent messages from going to Dead Letter Service * [JBESB-1513] - ESB test suite against external binaries * [JBESB-1592] - Add the ability to turn off soap endpoint rewriting on WSDLs delivered via the WebserviceContractPublisher ** Task * [JBESB-1072] - JCA code uses org.jboss.logging.Logger whereas everything else uses org.apache.log4j.Logger * [JBESB-1110] - Need a two-servers-on-one-machine quickstart * [JBESB-1327] - Prepend leading slash programatically in JBossRulesRouter * [JBESB-1379] - JMS gateway and notifier do not support range of JMS messages * [JBESB-1389] - Resolve discrepencies between SOA platform branch and CP branch * [JBESB-1398] - Restructure labs page * [JBESB-1555] - Investigate ServiceInvoker/policy behaviour * [JBESB-1556] - Provide an option for synchronous invocations of ServiceInvoker to throw an exception rather than retry. * [JBESB-1572] - Make sure docs are clear about ServiceInvoker and ESB-unaware EPRs * [JBESB-1581] - Remember to update the Release Notes * [JBESB-1597] - Update JBossWS dependency and install info in install/readme.txt * [JBESB-1600] - Update JBossRemoting dependency and install info in install/readme.txt * [JBESB-1601] - Track JBossWS v2.0.1.SP2 download task * [JBESB-1602] - Track JBossRemoting v2.2.2.SP2 download task * [JBESB-1606] - org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.Notifier - NotifyQueues - fails if the queue to be notified has a listener defined * [JBESB-1611] - Update the version of h2 * [JBESB-1665] - Reintroduce transactional behaviour into the MessageAwareListener Release Notes - JBoss ESB - Version 4.2.1 CP1 ** Bug * [JBESB-719] - The messages can be lost in case of ESB termination * [JBESB-746] - Potential memory leak in Aggregator * [JBESB-901] - bpm_orchestration1 QS generates lock warning on console * [JBESB-904] - A number of QSes complain about message attribute not being set * [JBESB-1003] - jBPM log facilities are not properly configured in some cases - errors logged during app server shutdown * [JBESB-1004] - Quickstarts that don't require JMS dest deployment should warn if user tries "ant deploy-jms-dests" * [JBESB-1035] - jbpm admin console throws exceptions on shutdown of App Server/ESB Server * [JBESB-1125] - Possible bug in Notifier processing * [JBESB-1155] - Quickstart: transformation_xml2pojo - clean up (remove deprecated stuff) * [JBESB-1191] - Unclear warning for unresponsive EPR * [JBESB-1201] - Aggregator's timeout doesn't work properly * [JBESB-1204] - Aggregator can't collect messages via aggregatorTags * [JBESB-1206] - Cannot buld the trailblazer example app - needs the ESB source code * [JBESB-1211] - bpm_orchestration2 readme.txt needs work * [JBESB-1212] - bpm_orchestration : deployProcess should be cleaner * [JBESB-1221] - load_generator QS should throw more polite compilation error * [JBESB-1223] - native_client QS uses message.Body getByteArray (deprecated) * [JBESB-1224] - scheduled_services QS uses deprecated functions * [JBESB-1225] - simple_cbr QS uses deprecated getByteArray() * [JBESB-1226] - spring_helloworld QS throws exceptions duriing runtest * [JBESB-1227] - spring_jpetstore QS uses deprecated getByteArray() * [JBESB-1233] - Message text getting lost from ESB messages? * [JBESB-1236] - bpm_orchestration4 - LazyInitializationException * [JBESB-1252] - Message Deserializer fails on attachments * [JBESB-1255] - fun_cbr QS has deprecated methods * [JBESB-1256] - static_router QS deprecated getByteArray() * [JBESB-1258] - helloworld_file_action QS throws 'max-millis-for-response' is not allowed to appear in element * [JBESB-1259] - helloworld_ftp_action QS: deprecated getByteArray() * [JBESB-1261] - scheduled_services QS: deprecated setByteArray() in SendEsbMessage * [JBESB-1262] - deadletter QS: deprecated setByteArray() in * [JBESB-1265] - Using DSL XPathLanguage requires explicit imports in CBR DRL files * [JBESB-1267] - Some unittests throw non-lethal null pointers * [JBESB-1272] - CommandInterpreter.doTheJob does not make sense in error condition * [JBESB-1273] - Incorporate PropertyReplacer into SmooksService/JuddRMIService * [JBESB-1279] - Base64 encode "swallows" serialization exceptions and returns null * [JBESB-1280] - Base64 decode "swallows" deserialization exceptions and returns null * [JBESB-1293] - Trailblazer uses deprecated getBody().getByteArray() * [JBESB-1295] - Exception in ShutdownHook * [JBESB-1298] - Field _keyPath is never set in class NewProcessInstanceFacade * [JBESB-1299] - QS custom_action fails when sending ESB message * [JBESB-1300] - QS fun_cbr shows WARN messages * [JBESB-1302] - QS helloworld_file_notifier issues * [JBESB-1304] - Problem with new serialization code * [JBESB-1305] - Programmers Guide problems in text * [JBESB-1307] - Fix footnote 11 in PG * [JBESB-1308] - Minor doc bug in PG * [JBESB-1309] - Change localhost references to ${jboss.bind.address} * [JBESB-1310] - Can't build management.esb within jbossesb-server * [JBESB-1311] - Management console error - attribute too long for db field * [JBESB-1314] - helloworld quickstart - sendesb ant target fails * [JBESB-1315] - Jar file needed in the compile-classpath to deploy a quickstart * [JBESB-1316] - JBoss Messaging Clustering configuration outdated * [JBESB-1317] - The jBPM must be configured by default to use JTA * [JBESB-1319] - Problem with ByteArray in the trailblazer * [JBESB-1320] - *.sh scripts in jboss-esb-server/bin should have execute bit set * [JBESB-1321] - JMSUtil class missing in ESB-Server * [JBESB-1322] - load_generator QS depends on ${org.jboss.esb.server.home}/server/${org.jboss.esb.server.config} * [JBESB-1323] - jUDDI tables dropped at server shutdown * [JBESB-1326] - JBoss ESB Management Console: broken links * [JBESB-1330] - Aggregator doesn't fail gracefully on invalid/missing required properties * [JBESB-1331] - MessageMulticaster not adding aggregation details properly * [JBESB-1334] - responseXStreamConfig issue * [JBESB-1335] - Building quickstarts from source uses current ESB jars instead of target when executing * [JBESB-1337] - package name should be 'quickstarts' in bpm_orchestration3 * [JBESB-1339] - Default ReplyTo for JMSEpr does not take into account new persistent option * [JBESB-1341] - ESB Build script does not deploy all the consoles into the EAP * [JBESB-1345] - JBossRemoting Client to JBossRemotingGateway comms broken for HTTP * [JBESB-1352] - ...message.format.xml.AttachmentImpl should provide more meaningful exception messages * [JBESB-1353] - Typo in quickstarts' base-build.xml * [JBESB-1354] - Possible issue with monitoring and hibernate * [JBESB-1357] - Deprecated hint in javadoc for org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Body.getByteArray doesn't work * [JBESB-1358] - ESB does not include security principals when accessing secured JMX domain * [JBESB-1359] - Wrong deployment order of nested archives * [JBESB-1361] - IllegalArgumentException in aggregator QS * [JBESB-1367] - Unsafe handling of exception in CommandInterpreter * [JBESB-1369] - Bad action breaks ESB * [JBESB-1374] - Exception handling problem when used integrated jBPM/ESB with JTA * [JBESB-1380] - SQLCourier not defending against invalid filter config during prepared statement generation * [JBESB-1381] - SQLCourier logging fatal exceptions as debug i.e. hidding the errors * [JBESB-1382] - SQL Listener XSD definition assigning suspicious defaults * [JBESB-1383] - SqlTableCourier.pickup returns null on SQLException * [JBESB-1384] - SqlTableCourier continues on regardless when it encounters a NamingException on Datasource lookup * [JBESB-1392] - Unable to use message store after removing application * [JBESB-1394] - FTP Notifier incorrectly process String payload * [JBESB-1395] - Fix EPR extension processing and bridge with logical EPRs * [JBESB-1396] - jms_topic QS - SendJMSMessage has duplicate close method * [JBESB-1402] - Add a Notify Topic Quickstart * [JBESB-1405] - It is possible to store message to message store with null classification but it is not possible to remove it * [JBESB-1406] - Cannot deploy a service to a cluster node * [JBESB-1407] - Changing a WS needs server restart * [JBESB-1408] - webservice_consumer1 QS bugs * [JBESB-1409] - webservice_consumer2 QS bugs * [JBESB-1410] - Call copy is shallow! Should have a copy constructor. * [JBESB-1413] - jBPM to ESB issues with Quickstarts * [JBESB-1418] - SQLGateway duplicates column names in message and adds process column * [JBESB-1419] - SQLGatewayListener has problems when uses lowercase values in process fields * [JBESB-1420] - HelloWorld QS config not updated when sql schema changed * [JBESB-1421] - helloworld_sql_action missing attributes * [JBESB-1422] - CreateNewProcess does not propagate token/processId * [JBESB-1424] - transform_CSV2XML quickstart does not handle multiple rows in input * [JBESB-1427] - readme file of bpm_orchestration2 needs to be updated * [JBESB-1430] - Mapping element name is not consistent between EsbActionHandler and ESBNotifier * [JBESB-1431] - Default values are ignored in jBPM to ESB mapper (ESB side) * [JBESB-1432] - Error running bpm_orchestration3 * [JBESB-1434] - Caching service invokers in EsbNotifier/EsbActionHandler can require restart of server * [JBESB-1435] - Message longer than 255 chrs cannot be passed to jBPM * [JBESB-1436] - Calling deliverSync on mep="OneWay" service causes handling the EPR as unresponsive * [JBESB-1437] - multiple copies of contract.war exist in deployment * [JBESB-1438] - JMS Courrier does not support transacted mode * [JBESB-1440] - It is not possible to disable timeout in Aggregator * [JBESB-1441] - SqlTableGatewayListener : insertTimestamp seems to be unused * [JBESB-1442] - Fix body content comparison in deadletter quickstart * [JBESB-1443] - CallbackCommand state checker can fail in case of loops in BPM process * [JBESB-1444] - jBPM CommandService is bottleneck of jBPM process processing * [JBESB-1446] - Undelivered message over JCA/JMS does not go to ESB DLQ * [JBESB-1447] - Exception in shutdown * [JBESB-1448] - Invalid Callback message is not sent to DLQ * [JBESB-1449] - SOAPClient cannot handle more than 1 thread in ESB listener * [JBESB-1450] - SOAPProcessor cannot handle large message backlog * [JBESB-1453] - If exception transition is present then it has faultTo to the same value as replyTo but these should differ * [JBESB-1454] - quickstart webservice_wsaddressing asking for wrong jboss remoting patch * [JBESB-1458] - OneWay services should not generate fault messages if no FaultTo is defined * [JBESB-1460] - jms-jca-provider doesn't read from queues on different node * [JBESB-1461] - SOAPClient throwing back a missleading exception when the MessagePayloadProxy fails to find the payload * [JBESB-1463] - Error running transform_XML2POJO quickstart * [JBESB-1464] - Error running jms_topic quickstart * [JBESB-1466] - CallbackCommand should detect when process was deleted * [JBESB-1472] - DataCollector does not check for NP during getClassPatterns * [JBESB-1473] - Error running load_generator quickstart * [JBESB-1476] - 'Column lenght too short' SQL errors when deploying management console with mysql on Linux * [JBESB-1477] - SOAPClient does not cleanup resources on undeploy * [JBESB-1478] - Fixup webservice_mtom, webservice_wssecurity and webservice_wsaddressing * [JBESB-1481] - helloworld_tx_sql_action deployment error * [JBESB-1482] - Process flow is executed even when the process is cancelled * [JBESB-1484] - context.lookup() can return null * [JBESB-1489] - Error in the documentation of load_generator quickstart * [JBESB-1490] - Error running webservice_bpel quickstart * [JBESB-1492] - "JMSException: Failed to route Reference" during failover * [JBESB-1493] - Missing figure in Registry Guide * [JBESB-1494] - Typos in MessageActionGuide * [JBESB-1495] - Typos in Getting Started Guide. * [JBESB-1496] - Typos in Web Services guide. * [JBESB-1499] - SQLGateway adds process column * [JBESB-1500] - Aggregator messageMap and aggregatedMessageMap races * [JBESB-1501] - ServiceInvoker only refreshes cache once per send after total failure of cache * [JBESB-1502] - SqlTableGatewayListener does not cope with null datasource lookup * [JBESB-1503] - bpm_orchestration1 quickstart does not deploy in beta2 build * [JBESB-1505] - bpm_orchestration2 documentation does not correspond to actual results * [JBESB-1506] - "Back to Console" link doesn't work in SOA * [JBESB-1509] - ESB mediated WSDLs have no xml preamble, which may cause issues for some clients * [JBESB-1511] - The jBPM does not work with PostgreSQL/Oracle - constraint violations * [JBESB-1512] - Need a way of determining jbpmTokenId * [JBESB-1514] - NotifyQueues not working: ConnectionException: Could not obtain a JMS connection from the pool * [JBESB-1515] - ESB does not close ResultSets in all situations * [JBESB-1517] - Minor doc updates in CBR, MessageTransformation and Registry * [JBESB-1518] - Removing the deployProcess command broke the QSs bpm_orchestration* tests * [JBESB-1520] - Add state support to DataFilerScheduler * [JBESB-1521] - MessageActionGuide discussion of jBPM is out of date * [JBESB-1523] - Make jbossesb.war depend on database population mbean * [JBESB-1526] - webservice_mtom quickstart contains inappropriate sources * [JBESB-1527] - XML preamble in generated WSDL breaks quickstarts * [JBESB-1529] - DatabaseInitializer requires statements terminated by semi colon * [JBESB-1530] - ESB project issue SOA-390 - JBPM quickstarts do not deploy processimage.jpg and gpd.xml files * [JBESB-1533] - assert-jbossremoting-version in base-build.xml refers to exec-classpath before it is declared * [JBESB-1534] - Minor issues in WS and SOA docs. * [JBESB-1535] - index.jsp of jbossesb-server bad link for Monitoring & Management Console * [JBESB-1541] - StatisticsHelper refers to table names in mixed case but hbm uses uppercase * [JBESB-1542] - The asynchronous jBPM process signalling does not carry over the current actor. ** Feature Request * [JBESB-400] - Trailblazer - add ANT task for generating client-side ws classes for the jsr-181 ws * [JBESB-1328] - Add system property support in ESB deployment.xml files * [JBESB-1340] - JUDDI Configuration Documentation * [JBESB-1364] - Allow embedded quickstart deployments to reference any target server * [JBESB-1387] - SQLCourier: Add "backoff" capability for rolledback rows * [JBESB-1397] - SOAP Action in Soap header * [JBESB-1404] - Support for JMS authentication * [JBESB-1462] - Automatic cleanup of dead EPRs from registry ** Task * [JBESB-1042] - New version of /trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/quickstart/test/ available for svn commit * [JBESB-1092] - Cleaning up test code to clear waring about references to generic type Hashtable * [JBESB-1106] - Need a console page displaying both operations and properties per object * [JBESB-1122] - Incorporate new documentation on Notifiers into Message Action Guide / Incorporate Notifier quickstart into codebase * [JBESB-1154] - Integrate remaining QSes into the Ci system * [JBESB-1168] - Test some of the 4.2GA Quickstarts against the 4.2.1 codebase * [JBESB-1177] - Console tools contain old version of drools * [JBESB-1244] - Put in juddi-2.0.jar release jar * [JBESB-1253] - Aggregator should be using the ServiceInvoker * [JBESB-1282] - How does a service work when message payload types are out of scope of the service? * [JBESB-1283] - Add transactional context to SQL listener * [JBESB-1296] - scripting groovy QS causes intermittent CI errors * [JBESB-1301] - jBPM integration needs revisiting * [JBESB-1303] - Fix up diagram issue in Chapter 7 * [JBESB-1312] - Add documentation on jBPM/JBESB * [JBESB-1336] - Migrate ESB to JBossWS 2.0.1.SP2 * [JBESB-1338] - Wrong document info in Config Editor pdf * [JBESB-1346] - No copyright on * [JBESB-1347] - Make sure documentation is clear on gateways and load-balancing * [JBESB-1351] - Load balancing documantation: deploying service in a clustered environment * [JBESB-1355] - Extend quickstart embedded notion to include running in production deployments * [JBESB-1363] - Update standalone zip to JBossWS 2.0.1.SP2 * [JBESB-1370] - Modify JMS pooling to remove 1 second pause * [JBESB-1371] - Minor typo in print statement * [JBESB-1399] - InMemoryCommandQueueUnitTest has no copyright statement. * [JBESB-1400] - has no copyright statement. * [JBESB-1401] - Remove DeployProcessDefinition command from jBPM integration layer * [JBESB-1403] - Trim down set of xsd files installed into the standalone server * [JBESB-1416] - Deployment.txt is out of date * [JBESB-1423] - No copyright statements on some files in management console * [JBESB-1452] - Document Message Store as being non-transactional * [JBESB-1455] - Move ServiceOrchestration docs to Services dir. * [JBESB-1456] - Add documentation to describe the effect of clustered JMS queues on service invocations * [JBESB-1465] - Update title on fail-over to add "load balancing" * [JBESB-1483] - Handling suspended jBPM processes * [JBESB-1497] - Move jBPMIntegration doc into Service Orchestration * [JBESB-1510] - Improvements to webservice_bpel quickstart Readme.txt * [JBESB-1532] - Replace jBPM hypersonic database with another java database * [JBESB-1536] - Add h2 license information to thirdparty license file * [JBESB-1543] - notify jBPM JobExecutor at end of transaction * [JBESB-1544] - Defer jBPM variable setting until in asynch job