3.3. JGroups Configuration

JGroups configuration is a complex area that goes well beyond the scope of this document. Users interested in exploring the details are encouraged to visit the JGroups website at http://www.jgroups.org as well as the JGroups wiki page at jboss.com.

The jgroups-stacks.xml file found in the org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.builder package in the hibernate-jbosscache2.jar provides a good set of standard JGroups configurations; these should be suitable for most needs. If you need to create your own configuration set, we recommend that you start with this file as a base.

3.3.1. Transport -- UDP vs. TCP

The JGroups transport refers to the mechanism JGroups uses for sending messages to the group members. Choosing which transport to use is the main JGroups-related decision users will need to make. There are three transport types:

  • UDP -- uses UDP multicast for transmitting messages to all members of the group. Multicast is efficient for the Second Level Cache use case, particularly with larger clusters, since maintaining cache consistency means many messages need to be sent to all members. UDP-based channel configurations are used in the JBoss Cache configurations in the standard jbc2-configs.xml file that ships with Hibernate.

  • TCP -- uses multiple TCP unicasts for transmitting messages to all members of the group. Less efficient for the Second Level Cache use case, particularly as clusters get larger, i.e. over 4 to 6 nodes. However, in some network environments UDP multicast is not an option, in which case TCP is available.

    If a TCP-based channel is used, there are a couple of options available for how a channel "discovers" the other members in the group when it first starts.

    • TCP + TCPPING -- here a static list of all the possible nodes in the cluster must be provided. The TCPPING "discovery" protocol uses that static list to probe for available peers, using TCP messages. The downside here is the need to provide and maintain the static list. The upside, for multicast-averse environments, is all communication uses TCP.

    • TCP + MPING -- here the MPING "discovery" protocol uses UDP multicast to probe for available peers; once they are detected all regular message traffic uses TCP. The downside here, for the multicast-averse, is that multicast is used. The upside is there is no need for a static configuration of all possible peers.

    The TCP-based configurations in the jgroups-stacks.xml file found in hibernate-jbosscache2.jar all use TCP + MPING. This is because there is no way for the Hibernate authors to provide a meaningful static configuration for TCPPING. If you want to use TCP + TCPPING you will need to provide your own JGroups configuration file.

  • TUNNEL -- a specialized protocol designed for cases where cluster members need to communicate across firewalls. See the JGroups documentation for details.

3.3.2. Standard JGroups Configurations

By default the Second Level Cache will use JGroups configurations found in the jgroups-stacks.xml file included in hibernate-jbosscache2.jar. Following are their names and a brief description of each:


UDP multicast-based config; appropriate for all cache types. Includes JGroups flow control (FC) which is needed for caches that send significant numbers of asynchronous messages (i.e. timestamp caches and entity/collection caches configured for replication instead of invalidation). If you're not sure and want to use UDP multicast, this is the best choice.


UDP multicast-based config that omits JGroups flow control (FC). Optimal for caches that send little or no asynchronous messages, i.e. entity/collection caches configured for invalidation. Unsuitable for timestamp caches or entity/collection caches configured for replication.


TCP-based config with UDP multicast discovery (MPING). Includes JGroups flow control (FC); see udp above for the significance of that.


TCP-based config with UDP multicast discovery (MPING). Omits JGroups flow control (FC); see udp-sync above for the significance of that.


Uses a specialized protocol designed for cases where cluster members need to communicate across firewalls. See the JGroups documentation for details.