JBoss.org Community Documentation

4.5.3. JBoss Cache Statistics

JBoss Cache captures statistics in its interceptors and exposes the statistics through interceptor MBeans. Gathering of statistics is enabled by default; this can be disabled for a specific cache instance through the ExposeManagementStatistics configuration attribute. Note that the majority of the statistics are provided by the CacheMgmtInterceptor , so this MBean is the most significant in this regard. If you want to disable all statistics for performance reasons, you set ExposeManagementStatistics to false as this will prevent the CacheMgmtInterceptor from being included in the cache's interceptor stack when the cache is started.

If a CacheJmxWrapper is registered with JMX, the wrapper also ensures that an MBean is registered in JMX for each interceptor that exposes statistics [4] . Management tools can then access those MBeans to examine the statistics. See the section in the JMX Reference chapter pertaining to the statistics that are made available via JMX.

The name under which the interceptor MBeans will be registered is derived by taking the ObjectName under which the CacheJmxWrapper is registered and adding a cache-interceptor attribute key whose value is the non-qualified name of the interceptor class. So, for example, if the CacheJmxWrapper were registered under jboss.cache:service=TreeCache , the name of the CacheMgmtInterceptor MBean would be jboss.cache:service=TreeCache,cache-interceptor=CacheMgmtInterceptor .

Each interceptor's MBean exposes a StatisticsEnabled attribute that can be used to disable maintenance of statistics for that interceptor. In addition, each interceptor MBean provides the following common operations and attributes.

[4] Note that if the CacheJmxWrapper is not registered in JMX, the interceptor MBeans will not be registered either. The JBoss Cache 1.4 releases included code that would try to "discover" an MBeanServer and automatically register the interceptor MBeans with it. For JBoss Cache 2.x we decided that this sort of "discovery" of the JMX environment was beyond the proper scope of a caching library, so we removed this functionality.