JBoss.org Community Documentation

4.5.1. JBoss Cache MBeans

JBoss Cache provides an MBean that can be registered with your environments JMX server to allow access to the cache instance via JMX. This MBean is the org.jboss.cache.jmx.CacheJmxWrapper . It is a StandardMBean, so it's MBean interface is org.jboss.cache.jmx.CacheJmxWrapperMBean . This MBean can be used to:

  • Get a reference to the underlying Cache .
  • Invoke create/start/stop/destroy lifecycle operations on the underlying Cache .
  • Inspect various details about the cache's current state (number of nodes, lock information, etc.)
  • See numerous details about the cache's configuration, and change those configuration items that can be changed when the cache has already been started.

See the CacheJmxWrapperMBean javadoc for more details.

It is important to note a significant architectural difference between JBoss Cache 1.x and 2.x. In 1.x, the old TreeCache class was itself an MBean, and essentially exposed the cache's entire API via JMX. In 2.x, JMX has been returned to it's fundamental role as a management layer. The Cache object itself is completely unaware of JMX; instead JMX functionality is added through a wrapper class designed for that purpose. Furthermore, the interface exposed through JMX has been limited to management functions; the general Cache API is no longer exposed through JMX. For example, it is no longer possible to invoke a cache put or get via the JMX interface.

If a CacheJmxWrapper is registered, JBoss Cache also provides MBeans for each interceptor configured in the cache's interceptor stack. These MBeans are used to capture and expose statistics related to cache operations. They are hierarchically associated with the CacheJmxWrapper MBean and have service names that reflect this relationship. For example, a replication interceptor MBean for the jboss.cache:service=TomcatClusteringCache instance will be accessible through the service named jboss.cache:service=TomcatClusteringCache,cache-interceptor=ReplicationInterceptor .