JBoss.org Community Documentation

8.3.3. JDBCCacheLoader

JBossCache is distributed with a JDBC-based cache loader implementation that stores/loads nodes' state into a relational database. The implementing class is org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader .

The current implementation uses just one table. Each row in the table represents one node and contains three columns:

  • column for Fqn (which is also a primary key column)
  • column for node contents (attribute/value pairs)
  • column for parent Fqn

Fqn 's are stored as strings. Node content is stored as a BLOB. WARNING: JBoss Cache does not impose any limitations on the types of objects used in Fqn but this implementation of cache loader requires Fqn to contain only objects of type java.lang.String . Another limitation for Fqn is its length. Since Fqn is a primary key, its default column type is VARCHAR which can store text values up to some maximum length determined by the database in use.

See http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JDBCCacheLoader for configuration tips with specific database systems.