JBoss.org Community Documentation

9.2.1. LRUPolicy - Least Recently Used

org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUPolicy controls both the node lifetime and age. This policy guarantees a constant order ( O (1) ) for adds, removals and lookups (visits). It has the following configuration parameters:

  • maxNodes - This is the maximum number of nodes allowed in this region. 0 denotes no limit.
  • timeToLiveSeconds - The amount of time a node is not written to or read (in seconds) before the node is swept away. 0 denotes no limit.
  • maxAgeSeconds - Lifespan of a node (in seconds) regardless of idle time before the node is swept away. 0 denotes no limit.
  • minTimeToLiveSeconds - the minimum amount of time a node must be allowed to live after being accessed before it is allowed to be considered for eviction. 0 denotes that this feature is disabled, which is the default value.