JBoss.org Community Documentation

4.5.5. Accessing Cache MBeans in a Standalone Environment

JBoss Cache MBeans are easily accessed when running cache instances in an application server that provides an MBean server interface such as JBoss JMX Console. Refer to your server documentation for instructions on how to access MBeans running in a server's MBean container.

In addition, though, JBoss Cache MBeans are also accessible when running in a non-server environment if the JVM is JDK 5.0 or later. When running a standalone cache in a JDK 5.0 environment, you can access the cache's MBeans as follows.

  1. Set the system property -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote when starting the JVM where the cache will run.
  2. Once the JVM is running, start the JDK 5.0 jconsole utility, located in your JDK's /bin directory.
  3. When the utility loads, you will be able to select your running JVM and connect to it. The JBoss Cache MBeans will be available on the MBeans panel.

Note that the jconsole utility will automatically register as a listener for cache notifications when connected to a JVM running JBoss Cache instances.

The following figure shows cache interceptor MBeans in jconsole . Cache statistics are displayed for the CacheMgmtInterceptor :

CacheMgmtInterceptor MBean in jconsole

Figure 4.1. CacheMgmtInterceptor MBean in jconsole