JBoss.org Community Documentation

4.4. Binding to JNDI in JBoss AS

With the 1.x JBoss Cache releases, a proxy to the cache could be bound into JBoss AS's JNDI tree using the AS's JRMPProxyFactory service. With JBoss Cache 2.x, this no longer works. An alternative way of doing a similar thing with a POJO (i.e. non-JMX-based) service like a Cache is under development by the JBoss AS team [3] . That feature is not available as of the time of this writing, although it will be completed before AS 5.0.0.GA is released. We will add a wiki page describing how to use it once it becomes available.

[3] http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4456