
User Documentation

Scott Marlow

Release 1.4.1 "Cayenne"

November 2006

Table of Contents

1. Terminology
1.1. Overview
2. Introduction
2.1. Overview
2.2. Features
2.3. Usage
2.4. Requirement
3. Introduction to JBossAop
3.1. What is it?
3.2. Creating Aspects in JBoss AOP
3.3. Applying Aspects in JBoss AOP
3.4. Dynamic Aop
3.4.1. Per Instance AOP
3.4.2. Preparation
3.5. Annotations
4. Architecture
4.1. Dynamic AOP interception
4.2. Object mapping by reachability
4.3. Object relationship management
4.4. Object inheritance hierarchy
4.5. Collection class proxy
4.5.1. Limitation
5. API
5.1. Attachment
5.2. Detachment
5.3. Query
6. Configuration
6.1. PojoCache MBean service
6.2. PojoCache eviction policy
7. Instrumentation
7.1. XML descriptor
7.2. Annotation
7.2.1. JDK1.4
7.2.2. JDK5.0
7.2.3. JDK5.0 field level annotations
7.3. Weaving
7.3.1. Ant target for running load-time instrumentation using specialized class loader
7.3.2. Ant target for aopc
7.3.3. Ant target for annotation compiler
8. TroubleShooting
9. Appendix
9.1. Example POJO
9.2. Sample configuration xml