JBoss.org Community Documentation

Chapter 12. JBoss Messaging

12.1. Configuring JBoss Messaging
12.1.1. Configuring the SecurityStore
12.1.2. SecurityStore Attributes
12.2. Configuring the ServerPeer
12.3. Server Attributes
12.3.1. ServerPeerID
12.3.2. DefaultQueueJNDIContext
12.3.3. DefaultTopicJNDIContext
12.3.4. PostOffice
12.3.5. DefaultDLQ
12.3.6. DefaultMaxDeliveryAttempts
12.3.7. DefaultExpiryQueue
12.3.8. DefaultRedeliveryDelay
12.3.9. MessageCounterSamplePeriod
12.3.10. FailoverStartTimeout
12.3.11. FailoverCompleteTimeout
12.3.12. DefaultMessageCounterHistoryDayLimit
12.3.13. ClusterPullConnectionFactory
12.3.14. DefaultPreserveOrdering
12.3.15. RecoverDeliveriesTimeout
12.3.16. SuckerPassword
12.3.17. StrictTCK
12.3.18. Destinations
12.3.19. MessageCounters
12.3.20. MessageCountersStatistics
12.3.21. SupportsFailover
12.3.22. PersistenceManager
12.3.23. JMSUserManager
12.3.24. SecurityStore
12.4. MBean operations of the ServerPeer MBean
12.4.1. DeployQueue
12.4.2. UndeployQueue
12.4.3. DestroyQueue
12.4.4. DeployTopic
12.4.5. UndeployTopic
12.4.6. DestroyTopic
12.4.7. ListMessageCountersHTML
12.4.8. ResetAllMesageCounters
12.4.9. ResetAllMesageCounters
12.4.10. EnableMessageCounters
12.4.11. DisableMessageCounters
12.4.12. RetrievePreparedTransactions
12.4.13. ShowPreparedTransactions

JBoss Messaging is the new enterprise messaging system from JBoss. It is a complete rewrite of JBossMQ, the legacy JBoss JMS provider. It is the default JMS provider on JBoss AS 5. Production support is already available through JBoss EAP 4.3, and we offer developer support for JBoss 4.2.x.

JBoss Messaging is a high Performance JMS 1.1 compliant implementation integrated with JBoss Transactions. It also offers:

JBoss Messaging will be the default JMS provider in later versions of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, and JBoss Service Integration Platform. It will also be the default JMS provider in JBoss Application Server 5, and is the default JMS provider for JBoss ESB.

JBoss Messaging is an integral part of Red Hat's strategy for messaging.

Compared with JBossMQ, JBoss Messaging offers improved performance in both single node and clustered environments.

JBoss Messaging also features a much better modular architecture that will allow us to add more features in the future.

JBoss Messaging provides an open source and standards-based messaging platform that brings enterprise-class messaging to the mass market. It also implements a high performance, robust messaging core that is designed to support the largest and most heavily utilized SOAs, enterprise service buses (ESBs) and other integration needs ranging from the simplest to the highest demand networks.

It will allow you to smoothly distribute your application load across your cluster, intelligently balancing and utilizing each nodes CPU cycles, with no single point of failure, providing a highly scalable and performant clustering implementation.

JBoss Messaging includes a JMS front-end to deliver messaging in a standards-based format as well as being designed to be able to support other messaging protocols in the future.

JBoss Messaging is destined to become an integral part of the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, and the new Service Integration Platform.

JBoss Messaging is also an integral part of Red Hat's strategy for messaging. JBoss Messaging is committed to AMQP ( AMQP)- the new messaging standard from Red Hat and others. Later versions of JBoss Messaging will support AMQP, and JBoss Messaging will be focussed on becoming the premier AMQP Java broker.