JBoss.org Community Documentation

3.2. Standard Server Configurations

The JBoss Application Server ships with three server configurations. You can choose which configuration to start by passing the -c parameter to the server startup script. For instance, command run.sh -c all would start the server in the all configuration. Each configuration is contained in a directory named JBOSS_HOME/server/[config name]/. You can look into each server configuration's directory to see the default services, applications, and libraries supported in the configuration.

  • The minimal configuration starts the core server container without any of the enterprise services. It is a good starting point if you want to build a customized version of JBoss AS that only contains the services you need.

  • The default configuration is the mostly common used configuration for application developers. It supports the standard J2EE 1.4 and most of the Java EE 5.0 programming APIs (e.g., JSF and EJB3).

  • The all configuration is the default configuration with clustering support and other enterprise extensions.

The detailed services and APIs supported in each of those configurations will be discussed throughout this book.