JBoss.org Community Documentation Apache jUDDI Configuration

Configuration of the jUDDI registry happens via an MBean Service that is deployed in the juddi-service.sar archive in the "all" configuration. The configuration of this service can be done in the jboss-service.xml of the META-INF directory in the juddi-service.sar

Let us look at the individual configuration items that can be changed.

DataSources configuration

<!-- Datasource to Database-->
<attribute name="DataSourceUrl">java:/DefaultDS</attribute>

Database Tables (Should they be created on start, Should they be dropped on stop, Should they be dropped on start etc)

							  <!-- Should all tables be created on Start-->
							  <attribute name="CreateOnStart">false</attribute>
							  <!-- Should all tables be dropped on Stop-->
							  <attribute name="DropOnStop">true</attribute>
							  <!-- Should all tables be dropped on Start-->
							  <attribute name="DropOnStart">false</attribute>

JAXR Connection Factory to be bound in JNDI. (Should it be bound? and under what name?)

<!-- Should I bind a Context to which JaxrConnectionFactory bound-->
<attribute name="ShouldBindJaxr">true</attribute>
<!-- Context to which JaxrConnectionFactory to bind to. If you have remote clients, please bind it to the global namespace(default behavior). 
To just cater to clients running on the same VM as JBoss, change to java:/JAXR -->
<attribute name="BindJaxr">JAXR</attribute>

Other common configuration:

Add authorized users to access the jUDDI registry. (Add a sql insert statement in a single line)

Look at the script META-INF/ddl/juddi_data.ddl for more details. Example for a user 'jboss'
VALUES ('jboss','JBoss User','jboss@xxx','true','true');