JBoss.org Community Documentation

10.5.1. AttributeMappingDelegate

The AttributeMappingDelegate class is an implementation of the ServicesConfigDelegate that expects a delegate-config element of the form:

<delegate-config portName="portAttrName" hostName="hostAttrName">
    <attribute name="someAttrName">someHostPortExpr</attribute>
    <!-- ... -->

The portAttrName is the attribute name of the MBean service to which the binding port value should be applied, and the hostAttrName is the attribute name of the MBean service to which the binding host value should be applied. If the portName attribute is not specified then the binding port is not applied. Likewise, if the hostName attribute is not specified then the binding host is not applied. The optional attribute element(s) specify arbitrary MBean attribute names whose values are a function of the host and/or port settings. Any reference to ${host} in the attribute content is replaced with the host binding and any ${port} reference is replaced with the port binding. The portName, hostName attribute values and attribute element content may reference system properties using the ${x} syntax that is supported by the JBoss services descriptor.

The sample listing illustrates the usage of AttributeMappingDelegate.

<service-config name="jboss:service=Naming"
     <delegate-config portName="Port"/>
     <binding port="1099" />

Here the jboss:service=Naming MBean service has its Port attribute value overridden to 1099. The corresponding setting from the jboss1 server configuration overrides the port to 1199.