JBoss.org Community Documentation

12.6.2. EJB-QL Declaration

Every select or finder method (except findByPrimaryKey) must have an EJB-QL query defined in the ejb-jar.xml file. The EJB-QL query is declared in a query element, which is contained in the entity element. The following are the declarations for findBadDudes_ejbql and ejbSelectBoss_ejbql queries:

            <!-- ... -->
               SELECT OBJECT(g) FROM gangster g WHERE g.badness > ?1
               SELECT DISTINCT underling.organization.theBoss FROM gangster underling WHERE underling.name = ?1 OR underling.nickName = ?1

EJB-QL is similar to SQL but has some surprising differences. The following are some important things to note about EJB-QL:

  • EJB-QL is a typed language, meaning that it only allows comparison of like types (i.e., strings can only be compared with strings).

  • In an equals comparison a variable (single valued path) must be on the left hand side. Some examples follow:

g.hangout.state = 'CA' Legal
'CA' = g.shippingAddress.state 
               NOT Legal
'CA' = 'CA' 
               NOT Legal
(r.amountPaid * .01) > 300 
               NOT Legal
r.amountPaid > (300 / .01) 
  • Parameters use a base 1 index like java.sql.PreparedStatement.

  • Parameters are only allowed on the right hand side of a comparison. For example:

gangster.hangout.state = ?1 
?1 = gangster.hangout.state 
               NOT Legal