JBoss.org Community Documentation

7.3.8. org.jboss.mq.server.jmx.DestinationManager

The org.jboss.mq.server.jmx.DestinationManager must be the last interceptor in the interceptor stack. The configurable attributes are as follows:

  • PersistenceManager : The JMX ObjectName of the persistence manager service the server should use.

  • StateManager : The JMX ObjectName of the state manager service the server should use.

  • MessageCache : The JMX ObjectName of the message cache service the server should use.

Additional read-only attributes and operations that support monitoring include:

  • ClientCount : The number of clients connected to the server.

  • Clients : A java.util.Map<org.jboss.mq.ConnectionToken, org.jboss.mq.server.ClientConsumer> instances for the clients connected to the server.

  • MessageCounter : An array of org.jboss.mq.server.MessageCounter instances that provide statistics for a JMS destination.

  • listMessageCounter() : This operation generates an HTML table that contains:

    • Type : Either Queue or Topic indicating the destination type.

    • Name : The name of the destination.

    • Subscription : The subscription ID for a topic.

    • Durable : A boolean indicating if the topic subscription is durable.

    • Count : The number of message delivered to the destination.

    • CountDelta : The change in message count since the previous access of count.

    • Depth : The number of messages in the destination.

    • DepthDelta : The change in the number of messages in the destination since the previous access of depth.

    • Last Add : The date/time string in DateFormat.SHORT/DateFormat.MEDIUM format of the last time a message was added to the destination.

  • resetMessageCounter() : This zeros all destination counts and last added times.

Queues and topics can be created and destroyed at runtime through the DestinationManager MBean. The DestinationManager provides createQueue and createTopic operations for this. Both methods have a one argument version which takes the destination name and a two argument version which takes the destination and the JNDI name of the destination. Queues and topics can be removed using the destroyQueue and destroyTopic operations, both of which take a destination name is input.