JBoss.org Community Documentation

12.1.2. Running the examples

The first test target illustrates a number of the customization features that will be discussed throughout this chapter. To run these tests execute the following ant target:

[examples]$ ant -Dchap=cmp2 -Dex=test run-example
22:30:09,862 DEBUG [OrganizationEJB#findByPrimaryKey] Executing SQL: SELECT t0_OrganizationEJ
B.name FROM ORGANIZATION t0_OrganizationEJB WHERE t0_OrganizationEJB.name=?
22:30:09,927 DEBUG [OrganizationEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT desc, the_boss FROM ORGANIZATION W
HERE (name=?)
22:30:09,931 DEBUG [OrganizationEJB] load relation SQL: SELECT id FROM GANGSTER WHERE (organi
22:30:09,947 DEBUG [StatelessSessionContainer] Useless invocation of remove() for stateless s
ession bean
22:30:10,086 DEBUG [GangsterEJB#findBadDudes_ejbql] Executing SQL: SELECT t0_g.id FROM GANGST
ER t0_g WHERE (t0_g.badness > ?)
22:30:10,097 DEBUG [GangsterEJB#findByPrimaryKey] Executing SQL: SELECT t0_GangsterEJB.id FRO
M GANGSTER t0_GangsterEJB WHERE t0_GangsterEJB.id=?
22:30:10,102 DEBUG [GangsterEJB#findByPrimaryKey] Executing SQL: SELECT t0_GangsterEJB.id FRO
M GANGSTER t0_GangsterEJB WHERE t0_GangsterEJB.id=?

These tests exercise various finders, selects and object to table mapping issues. We will refer to the tests throughout the chapter.

The other main target runs a set of tests to demonstrate the optimized loading configurations presented in Section 12.7, “Optimized Loading”. Now that the logging is setup correctly, the read-ahead tests will display useful information about the queries performed. Note that you do not have to restart the JBoss server for it to recognize the changes to the log4j.xml file, but it may take a minute or so. The following shows the actual execution of the readahead client:

[examples]$ ant -Dchap=cmp2 -Dex=readahead run-example

When the readahead client is executed, all of the SQL queries executed during the test are displayed in the JBoss server console. The important items of note when analyzing the output are the number of queries executed, the columns selected, and the number of rows loaded. The following shows the read-ahead none portion of the JBoss server console output from readahead:

22:44:31,570 INFO  [ReadAheadTest] 
### read-ahead none
22:44:31,582 DEBUG [GangsterEJB#findAll_none] Executing SQL: SELECT t0_g.id FROM GANGSTER t0_
g ORDER BY t0_g.id ASC
22:44:31,604 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,615 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,622 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,628 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,635 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,644 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,649 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,658 DEBUG [GangsterEJB] Executing SQL: SELECT name, nick_name, badness, organization
, hangout FROM GANGSTER WHERE (id=?)
22:44:31,670 INFO  [ReadAheadTest] 

We will revisit this example and explore the output when we discuss the settings for optimized loading.