JBoss.org Community Documentation

Chapter 11. EJBs on JBoss

The EJB Container Configuration and Architecture

11.1. The EJB Client Side View
11.1.1. Specifying the EJB Proxy Configuration
11.2. The EJB Server Side View
11.2.1. Detached Invokers - The Transport Middlemen
11.2.2. The HA JRMPInvoker - Clustered RMI/JRMP Transport
11.2.3. The HA HttpInvoker - Clustered RMI/HTTP Transport
11.3. The EJB Container
11.3.1. EJBDeployer MBean
11.3.2. Container Plug-in Framework
11.4. Entity Bean Locking and Deadlock Detection
11.4.1. Why JBoss Needs Locking
11.4.2. Entity Bean Lifecycle
11.4.3. Default Locking Behavior
11.4.4. Pluggable Interceptors and Locking Policy
11.4.5. Deadlock
11.4.6. Advanced Configurations and Optimizations
11.4.7. Running Within a Cluster
11.4.8. Troubleshooting
11.5. EJB Timer Configuration

The JBoss EJB container architecture employs a modular plug-in approach. All key aspects of the EJB container may be replaced by custom versions of a plug-in and/or an interceptor by a developer. This approach allows for fine tuned customization of the EJB container behavior to optimally suite your needs. Most of the EJB container behavior is configurable through the EJB JAR META-INF/jboss.xml descriptor and the default server-wide equivalent standardjboss.xml descriptor. We will look at various configuration capabilities throughout this chapter as we explore the container architecture.