JBoss.org Community Documentation Verifying EJB deployments

When the VerifyDeployments attribute of the EJBDeployer is true, the deployer performs a verification of EJBs in the deployment. The verification checks that an EJB meets EJB specification compliance. This entails validating that the EJB deployment unit contains the required home and remote, local home and local interfaces. It will also check that the objects appearing in these interfaces are of the proper types and that the required methods are present in the implementation class. This is a useful behavior that is enabled by default since there are a number of steps that an EJB developer and deployer must perform correctly to construct a proper EJB JAR, and it is easy to make a mistake. The verification stage attempts to catch any errors and fail the deployment with an error that indicates what needs to be corrected.

Probably the most problematic aspect of writing EJBs is the fact that there is a disconnection between the bean implementation and its remote and home interfaces, as well as its deployment descriptor configuration. It is easy to have these separate elements get out of sync. One tool that helps eliminate this problem is XDoclet. It allows you to use custom JavaDoc-like tags in the EJB bean implementation class to generate the related bean interfaces, deployment descriptors and related objects. See the XDoclet home page, http://sourceforge.net/projects/xdoclet for additional details.