Chapter 6. Using other Databases

Chapter 6. Using other Databases

6.1. DataSource Configuration Files
6.2. Using MySQL as the Default DataSource
6.2.1. Installing the JDBC Driver and Deploying the datasource
6.2.2. Configuring JBoss MQ Persistence Manager
6.2.3. Testing the MySQL DataSource
6.3. Configuring a datasource for Oracle DB
6.3.1. Installing the JDBC Driver and Deploying the DataSource
6.3.2. Configuring JBoss MQ Persistence Manager
6.3.3. Testing the Oracle DataSource
6.4. Configuring a datasource for Microsoft SQL Server 200x
6.4.1. Installing the JDBC Driver and Deploying the DataSource
6.5. Creating a JDBC client

In the previous chapters, we’ve just been using the JBossAS default datasource in our applications. This datasource is configured to use the embedded Hypersonic database instance shipped by default with the distribution. This datasource is bound to the JNDI name java:/DefaultDS and its descriptor is named hsqldb-ds.xml under the deploy directory

Having a database included with JBossAS is very convenient for running the server and examples out-of-the-box . However, this database is not a production quality database and as such should not be used with enterprise-class deployments. As a consequence of this JBoss Support does not provide any official support for Hypersonic.

In this chapter we will explain in details how to configure and deploy a datasource to connect JBossAS to the most popular database servers available on the market today.