EJB3 Services EJB3 Services

The following table explains the files providing ejb3 services.

File Description
ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml This service provides the AOP interceptor stack configurations for EJB3 bean types.
ejb3.deployer This service deploys EJB3 applications into JBoss.
jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer This is a Java 5 version of the AOP deployer. The AOP deployer configures the AspectManagerService and deploys JBoss AOP applications.
jbossws.sar This provides Java EE 5 web services support.

Table 1.5. EJB3 Services

Finally, in the EJB3 "all" configuration there are two additional services.

File Description
ejb3-clustered-sfsbcache-service.xml This provides replication and failover for EJB3 stateful session beans.
ejb3-entity-cache-service.xml This provides a clustered cache for EJB3 entity beans.

Table 1.6. Additional Services in EJB3 "all" Configuration