JBoss.org Community Documentation

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. JBoss Application Server use cases
1.1.1. What is the difference between the community JBoss Application Server and the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform?
1.2. JBoss Application Server 5 compatibility issues

JBoss Application Server 5 is built on top of the new JBoss Microcontainer. The JBoss Microcontainer is a lightweight container that supports direct deployment, configuration and lifecycle of plain old Java objects (POJOs). The JBoss Microcontainer project is standalone and replaces the JBoss JMX Microkernel used in the 3.x and 4.x JBoss Application Servers. Project goals include:

The JBoss Microcontainer integrates nicely with the JBoss Aspect Oriented Programming framework (JBoss AOP). JBoss AOP is discussed in Chapter 7, JBOSS AOP Support for JMX in JBoss AS 5 remains strong and MBean services written against the old Microkernel are expected to work.

JBoss AS5 is designed around the advanced concept of a Virtual Deployment Framework (VDF). The JBoss5 Virtual Deployment Framework (VDF) takes the aspect oriented design of many of the earlier JBoss containers and applies it to the deployment layer. It is also based on the POJO microntainer rather than JMX as in previous releases. More information about the Virtual Deployment Framework (VDF) can be found in Chapter 6, JBoss5 Virtual Deployment Framework .

A sample Java EE 5 application that can be run on top of JBoss 5.0.0.Beta4 and above which demonstrates many interesting technologies is the Seam Booking Application available on http://seam.demo.jboss.com/home.seam. This application makes use of the following technologies running on JBoss AS5:

Many key features of JBoss AS5 are provided by integrating other standalone JBoss projects which include: -

JBoss AS5 includes numerous features and bug fixes, many of them carried over upstream from the JBoss AS4.x codebase. See the Detailed Release Notes section for the full details.