001    /*
002     * JBoss DNA (http://www.jboss.org/dna)
003     * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
004     * regarding copyright ownership.  Some portions may be licensed
005     * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
006    * See the AUTHORS.txt file in the distribution for a full listing of 
007    * individual contributors.
008     *
009     * JBoss DNA is free software. Unless otherwise indicated, all code in JBoss DNA
010     * is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
011     * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
012     * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
013     *
014     * JBoss DNA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
015     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
017     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
018     *
019     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
020     * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
021     * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
022     * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
023     */
024    package org.jboss.dna.jcr;
026    import org.jboss.dna.common.i18n.I18n;
028    /**
029     * @author John Verhaeg
030     * @author Randall Hauch
031     */
032    public final class JcrI18n {
034        public static I18n cannotConvertValue;
035        public static I18n credentialsMustProvideJaasMethod;
036        public static I18n mustBeInPrivilegedAction;
037        public static I18n credentialsMustReturnLoginContext;
038        public static I18n defaultWorkspaceName;
039        public static I18n inputStreamConsumed;
040        public static I18n nonInputStreamConsumed;
041        public static I18n pathNotFound;
042        public static I18n pathNotFoundRelativeTo;
043        public static I18n permissionDenied;
044        public static I18n repositoryMustBeConfigured;
045        public static I18n sourceInUse;
046        public static I18n repositoryDoesNotExist;
047        public static I18n fileDoesNotExist;
049        public static I18n noNamespaceWithPrefix;
050        public static I18n noNamespaceWithUri;
051        public static I18n unableToChangeTheDefaultNamespace;
052        public static I18n unableToRegisterReservedNamespacePrefix;
053        public static I18n unableToRegisterReservedNamespaceUri;
054        public static I18n unableToRegisterNamespaceUsingXmlPrefix;
055        public static I18n unableToRegisterNamespaceWithInvalidPrefix;
056        public static I18n errorRegisteringPersistentNamespace;
057        public static I18n unableToUnregisterReservedNamespacePrefix;
058        public static I18n unableToUnregisterReservedNamespaceUri;
059        public static I18n unableToUnregisterPrefixForNamespaceThatIsNotRegistered;
060        public static I18n unableToRemapUriNotRegisteredInNamespaceRegistry;
061        public static I18n unableToRemapUriUsingPrefixUsedInNamespaceRegistry;
063        public static I18n errorWhileInitializingTheNamespaceRegistry;
064        public static I18n invalidRelativePath;
065        public static I18n invalidPathParameter;
066        public static I18n invalidNamePattern;
067        public static I18n invalidNodeTypeNameParameter;
068        public static I18n noPrimaryItemNameDefinedOnPrimaryType;
069        public static I18n primaryItemNameForPrimaryTypeIsNotValid;
070        public static I18n primaryItemDoesNotExist;
071        public static I18n itemNotFoundWithUuid;
072        public static I18n itemNotFoundAtPath;
073        public static I18n itemNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode;
074        public static I18n propertyNotFoundOnNode;
075        public static I18n propertyNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode;
076        public static I18n nodeNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode;
077        public static I18n childNotFoundUnderNode;
078        public static I18n errorWhileFindingNodeWithUuid;
079        public static I18n errorWhileFindingNodeWithPath;
080        public static I18n nodeDefinitionCouldNotBeDeterminedForNode;
081        public static I18n noSnsDefinitionForNode;
082        public static I18n missingNodeTypeForExistingNode;
083        public static I18n unableToCreateNodeWithPrimaryTypeThatDoesNotExist;
084        public static I18n unableToCreateNodeWithNoDefaultPrimaryTypeOnChildNodeDefinition;
085        public static I18n unableToSaveNodeThatWasCreatedSincePreviousSave;
086        public static I18n unableToSetMultiValuedPropertyUsingSingleValue;
087        public static I18n unableToSetSingleValuedPropertyUsingMultipleValues;
088        public static I18n unableToRefreshBranchSinceAtLeastOneNodeMovedToParentOutsideOfBranch;
089        public static I18n allPropertyValuesMustHaveSameType;
091        public static I18n unableToRemoveRootNode;
092        public static I18n unableToMoveNodeToBeChildOfDecendent;
093        public static I18n nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession;
095        public static I18n typeNotFound;
096        public static I18n supertypeNotFound;
098        // Used in AbstractJcrNode#getAncestor
099        public static I18n noNegativeDepth;
100        public static I18n tooDeep;
102        public static I18n REP_NAME_DESC;
103        public static I18n REP_VENDOR_DESC;
104        public static I18n SPEC_NAME_DESC;
106        // New implementation
107        public static I18n errorObtainingWorkspaceNames;
108        public static I18n errorObtainingDefaultWorkspaceName;
109        public static I18n workspaceNameIsInvalid;
110        public static I18n errorVerifyingWorkspaceName;
112        // Query-related messages
113        public static I18n notStoredQuery;
114        public static I18n invalidQueryLanguage;
116        // Type registration messages
117        public static I18n invalidNodeTypeName;
118        public static I18n nodeTypeAlreadyExists;
119        public static I18n invalidPrimaryTypeName;
120        public static I18n invalidSupertypeName;
121        public static I18n supertypesConflict;
122        public static I18n ambiguousPrimaryItemName;
123        public static I18n invalidPrimaryItemName;
124        public static I18n autocreatedNodesNeedDefaults;
125        public static I18n residualDefinitionsCannotBeMandatory;
126        public static I18n cannotOverrideProtectedDefinition;
127        public static I18n cannotMakeMandatoryDefinitionOptional;
128        public static I18n constraintsChangedInSubtype;
129        public static I18n cannotRedefineProperty;
130        public static I18n autocreatedPropertyNeedsDefault;
131        public static I18n singleValuedPropertyNeedsSingleValuedDefault;
133        public static I18n noDefinition;
134        public static I18n noSnsDefinition;
135        public static I18n missingMandatoryItem;
137        public static I18n allNodeTypeTemplatesMustComeFromSameSession;
139        public static I18n nodeNotReferenceable;
140        public static I18n noPendingChangesAllowed;
142        static {
143            try {
144                I18n.initialize(JcrI18n.class);
145            } catch (final Exception err) {
146                System.err.println(err);
147            }
148        }
149    }