JBoss.org Community Documentation

5.4. Deploying custom sequencers

The first step of deploying a sequencer consists of adding/changing the sequencer configuration (e.g., SequencerConfig) in the SequencingService. This was covered in the previous chapter.

The second step is to make the sequencer implementation available to JBoss DNA. At this time, the JAR containing your new sequencer, as well as any JARs that your sequencer depends on, should be placed on your application classpath.


A future goal of JBoss DNA is to allow sequencers, connectors and other extensions to be easily deployed into a runtime repository. This process will not only be much simpler, but it will also provide JBoss DNA with the information necessary to update configurations and create the appropriate class loaders for each extension. Having separate class loaders for each extension helps prevent the pollution of the common classpath, facilitates an isolated runtime environment to eliminate any dependency conflicts, and may potentially enable hot redeployment of newer extension versions.